Kontakt Infos

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041 281 20 24
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Hasenmoosstrasse 13
6023 Rothenburg, Schweiz


Layout Jumbo 1Benefit from our many years of experience as rackjobber for many well-known retailers in Switzerland.

Delivery and shelf filling:

We are able to take over the delivery of the goods as well as the shelf filling in each of your branches across Switzerland.

Shelf management:

We regularly visit all your branches and ensure a decent appearance of the products in your branches. The visit rate can be adapted based on your individual needs and requirements.

Receiving of new orderds:

Our employees can accept your new orders during their regular visits.

Transmissions of orders via EDI:

The orders can be transmitted quickly and efficiently via EDI.

Delivery documents control:

Our team assists your employees in checking the delivery documents and takes care of reordering and returning of the products.

Shelf assembly and disassembly:

We support you in the construction and dismantling of your selves as well as in the transport of the goods when needed.

Product range changes:

We actively help with the loading and unloading of shelves and support you in changing over to new product ranges.

Universal service availability:

You can use our rack jobbing services not only for products from our product range but also for your own products from your own range.


Please contact us for an individual consultation about our rack jobbing services.